The Dressage Young Horse Championship Fund

This fund supports qualified Hanoverian or Rhineland horses competing at the USEF Dressage Young Horse National Championships. Refer to the USEF Festival of Champions website for more information about the current year Dressage Young Horse Championships, including dates, location, and qualifying requirements:


This fund was created to provide an opportunity to showcase national-level performance excellence of four, five, and six-year old Hanoverian and Rhineland dressage horses who qualify for the USEF Dressage Young Horse National Championships. These funds further promote the breeders, riders and trainers who develop and compete these high caliber young Hanoverian and Rhineland horses.

General Requirements:

  • Applicant must be a current member of the American Hanoverian Society and a U.S. citizen or Permanent resident.
  • The horse must be qualified, invited and intended to attend the USEF Dressage Young Horse National Championships.
  • Previous recipients of funds from the Dressage Young Horse Championships Fund may not apply with the same horse.
  • Funds may be used for entry fees, grounds fees and stabling onsite at the National Championship hosting venue, as well as equine transportation costs. Funding cannot be used for veterinarian and/or farrier expenses, feed/supplements, the purchase of horse or equipment or any other routine care, maintenance or training expenses for the qualified horse, rider or owner. The selection committee reserves the right to approve all qualified expenses prior to disbursement of funds.
  • The funds must be used for the current year National Championships.
  • Awarded funds will be reimbursed to the recipient AFTER the event and only after proof of payment and attendance has been received by the AHS Foundation and a detailed list of submitted expenses with receipts has been approved by the selection committee.
  • Scholarship recipients are required to share photos and a written summary of their experience with the AHS Foundation to be used in promotion of the Foundation and the Dressage Young Horse Scholarship Fund. Funds will be reimbursed upon receipt of these materials from the recipient.
  • Preference will be given to US-bred horses.

Scholarship Amount:

  • Funds awarded up to $1,000.00. The number of scholarships awarded will vary based on the quality and number of applications and will be at the discretion of the scholarship selection committee.
  • The maximum amount to be awarded annually from this fund is $1,000.00.
  • The committee reserves the right to not award a grant in any given year if they determine that no candidate has met the criteria. Funds would then be held until the following year.

Deadline and Award Notification:

  • Applications are due July 24 of each year. Applications must be complete and submitted on time to be considered.
  • Incomplete applications and applications received after the stated deadline will not be considered for this fund.
  • The decision for this scholarship award will be made by July 31 of the application year. All applicants will be notified of the decision via email.

Additional Information:

  • If the scholarship recipient is unable to attend the USEF Dressage Young Horse National Championships, the AHS Foundation must be notified as soon as possible. The scholarship selection committee reserves the rights to rescind the funds and provide funding to another applicant. Failure to provide timely notification of withdrawal to the committee will result in required reimbursement of any funds received and potential future disqualification from this annual award program.
  • The applications and discussions of the selection committee are confidential, and decisions are final.

Announcement of the fund: June 15, 2024

Scholarship Recipients by Year:


Famosa WF (Fursten-Look x Samanta/St. Moritz), bred in Germany by Mirko Lade, is owned by Sloane Rosenthal and ridden by Greta Vowell. The $1000 in funds will assist with the travel expenses from Longmont, CO to Wayne, IL.

Press Release for 2024 Scholarship Recipients